CHRISTIAN AID Just to let you know that at the time of writing £437.50 has now been collected for Christian Aid. There may be an increase from people who have not yet given to this long-established charity and a final total will be advised in due course. Thank you to all who gave so generously.
There was a well-attended lunch in the hall following the Christian Aid service with a wide variety of food. I was so sorry to have missed it. Many grateful thanks to Anne and Mary, Val and Roger and Lynda for helping Sara to set up the hall.
Sara is now the official representative for Christian Aid for our Church. She has been working with me for many years and has now taken over the role. She has been amazing! (as always).
Anthea Denham
CHRISTIAN AID – 14th to 20th MAY
Maybe you have seen the adverts on TV for Christian Aid? At Christ Church we have always supported Christian Aid Week usually with a street and church collection. I have been involved since the days of Rev. Roger Scopes in the 1970’s and 80’s. The charity has been amazing in its outreach to the far corners of the Earth to help the poorest of the poor by providing seeds, tools, running water supplies, animals etc: so that families can feed themselves and be able to survive. The street collections have been abandoned now as no longer feasible for our church and people rarely have cash at home. We will have a Church service, collection and a shared lunch on Sunday 14th May in the Hall and we will need your help to arrange this. Last year quite a few people took a number of envelopes (5) and invited friends, family and neighbours to a Coffee Morning or Afternoon Tea in their home. This is all to raise extra money for Christian Aid. We hope you will be able to do that again. Sara Skinner has ordered all the materials needed – Christian Aid envelopes, posters etc. I am very grateful to Sara for taking over this role. She has been invaluable working on it with me for many years.
Anthea Denham
EASTER DONATIONS Thank you to everyone who gave a donation toward the Easter vouchers mainly for the Family Resource Centre. Sue bought the vouchers and gift cards at Tesco for me and delivered them to the Centre. I am most grateful for her help. The Manager had told me how much these gifts at Christmas and Easter time were appreciated. Thank you everyone. Anthea Denham